Blending Riding Styles with The Freepacker

Having a good time on two wheels can come in seemingly endless forms. On one end of the spectrum you have the competitive side, where speed, power output, time, and human performance tend to shape the objective. Pushing oneself to capacity brings with it a sense of reward, as well as a clear target for the next outing. Progression lies at the heart of many bike rider’s motivation.

The other often discussed topic in the cycling community, particularly in recent years with gravel exploding on the scene, is exploration. Rolling on two wheels allows one to access a variety of different experiences with a unique sensory download that really can’t be achieved by any other means of transportation. Add a combustion engine, and things change. Remove the wheels and place the emphasis on your feet, your experience is different. Forward propulsion, or turning the screw as some like to call it, creates a sense of connection between man, machine, and earth that truly is unique.

Identity Driven by Riding Style

As participants in the cycling community, we’re often faced with pressure to define ourselves to a certain focus or discipline within the greater experience of riding on two wheels. A sense of identity comes with choosing a primary style of riding to claim. Bring to life terms like XC nerd, enduro bro, and a whole host of other creative nomenclatures. Most of which are birthed deep in the depths of the Pinkbike forums.

It's not just our community of bike riders contributing to this what-set-you-claim phenomenon we’re experiencing. It seems tribalism is becoming more acute everywhere you look across the world today. Choose a side, stick to it, and F#$@ the other side. I like to think we haven’t reached such an extreme in our niche community in the world, but get a lycra-clad, cleanly shaved roadie in the same room as a die-hard enduro rider and it’s bound to be at least a little bit weird. I like to think we generally get along nicely. A general respect is usually there, but the back of mind judgments are sure to be present in the unsaid air within the room. Division seems to be the name of the game in the world surrounding our 2-wheel obsessed community It’s not surprising some of that tension can sometimes bleed into our world.

It's the above setting that makes an anomaly to the macro environment so compelling and refreshing.

Tomas styling his way through a hand-built set of jumps!

Enter Tomás Parra-Gómez

Rarely do you come to find someone with the creativity, personality, and unmatched passion for bicycles capable of creating what many are calling a new discipline in cycling. Effortlessly, passionately, and always with one of the most positive outlook, Tomas is combining two very unlikely styles of riding. Bikepacking. And Freeriding. Bring it together, and you get “Freepacking”, or @the.freepacker as he’s appropriately called across the interwebs social media . . . Look him up, it’s worth the time, trust us.

In his latest feat, Tomas rode 285 miles from Heber to Green River, arriving in time to participate wholeheartedly in the rowdy event called the Green River Classic, hosted by the In the Hills Gang. With almost an Everest worth of climbing, the trip was no easy feat.

Tomas has competed in his fair share of bike packing events. Covering insane distances with little to absolutely no support along the routes, which typically consist of some of the most remote landscapes in the world. To say the least, it’s not for the easily rattled.

When he’s not embarking on some death march that would leave mere mortals like myself in a complete an utter panic attack, Tomas can be found putting down some of the most creative freeride lines in the area. Add to the equation Tomas’ passion and creativity, and it’s no surprise a seemingly new genre of pedaling, Freepacking, finds its genesis.

Tomas with a gripped run after a 285 mile commute!

Tomas has become a fixture in the Park City bike community of the past few seasons. He and a small crew of guys have done more for the riding in this community than anyone we can remember in recent years . . . IYKYK, respect!

Even beyond what he’s provided, Tomas is one of those rare individuals who seems innately hardwired in such a way that he simply can’t help but share the stoke and bring people together. A wise man once said, sharing is caring, and in a world where extreme division seems to lie around every societal switchback, we need more guys like Tomas who are out to ensure he and everyone around him has a sick time. You won’t find a more stoked and inviting guy in this town. Oh and did we mention he absolutely shreds? See above regarding @the.freepacker on the interwebs.

We’re psyched to have him riding out of our shop for the 2024 season. Come by, say hello, enjoy an espresso with him on us.


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